FRIDAY MARCH 13 2020 NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK An ESSENTIAL program for: • Spine surgeons • Surgical spine team members • Hospital execs responsible for patient safety IN SPINE SURGERY SUMMIT 5 th annual Safety Transforming Patient Care and Optimizing Outcomes CHAIR: Michael G. Vitale, MD, MPH CO-CHAIRS: John M. Flynn, MD Roger Härtl, MD Rajiv K. Sethi, MD JOINTLY PROVIDED BY:ENDORSED BY:Vincent Devlin, MD Eric Elowitz, MD John Evanko, MD, MBA Ronald Lehman, Jr., MD Joe Maroon, MD Paul McCormick, MD Anil Mendiratta, MD Sohail Mirza, MD Peter Newton, MD Kris Radcliff, MD David Skaggs, MD Nick Theodore, MD Rich Vogel, PhD Vijay Yanamadala, MD IN SPINE SURGERY SUMMIT Safety Transforming Patient Care and Optimizing Outcomes 5 th annual A select number of abstracts will be presented as Free Papers at the 5th Annual Safety in Spine Surgery Summit, and the top ranked Best Paper will receive a $500 award. Submit your research for consideration in one of the following categories: ABSTRACT CATEGORIES u Quality u Safety u Value u Throughput u Satisfaction u Miscellaneous DATES AND DEADLINES u Call for Abstracts closes December 13, 2019 u Authors notified of results January 10, 2020 u Presenter registration deadline February 7, 2020 Submit online via the link at Call for Abstracts! Faculty subject to change. CHAIRMAN Michael G. Vitale, MD, MPH CO-CHAIRS John M. Flynn, MD Roger Härtl, MD Rajiv K. Sethi, MD FACULTYENDORSED BY: u Spine surgeons, fellows, and residents u Pre-op to recovery spine surgery team members o Nurses o PAs o Anesthesia techs o OR techs o Neuromonitoring personnel u OR management personnel u Hospital quality and safety personnel u Hospital leadership responsible for Spine Service Discuss best practices for safety during the pre, intra, and post-surgical stages of spine surgery. Describe how the development of specific talent, culture and team characteristics can enhance safety in spine surgery. Discuss macro-economics and the business of spine care. Course Objectives At the completion of the program, participants should be able to: 123 SHOULD ATTEND WhoSAFETY IN SPINE SURGERY SUMMIT 4 Program u THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2020 Optional—Experiential Training Pre-Course 12:00 PMRegistration & Lunch 12:30Was It Really a Miracle? What Patient Safety Leaders Must Learn from Capt. Sully 1:45Break 2:00 A Check Up for Your Checklists: Why Your Checklists Aren’t Really Working and What to Do About It 2:35Overcoming the Culture of Silence: Why Your Teams Won’t Speak Up for Safety and How to Change This Behavior 3:15Break 3:30If You Want A Safer Team, You Must Be a Better Leader: Critical Change Management Skills Every Leader Must Have 4:30Adjourn u FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2020 7:00 AMRegistration & Breakfast SESSION 1: Framing the Problem 7:25Welcome & Why Are We Here? 7:45What Gets you Sued and How to Avoid it SESSION 2: The Importance of Technique: Surgical Tips 8:07 5 Technical Tips to Keep you Out of Trouble with: u Screw Placement u MIS Surgery u Osteotomies u The Cervical Spine SESSION 3: The Importance of Technology: Navigation, Robotics, and other Enabling Technologies 8:55How I Incorporate Navigation to Increase Patient Safety 9:06Will the Robot Make us Safer? Is it Doing that Today? 9:15Technology is Making Surgeons Less Dependent on Skill 9:30 Lessons Learned from Past Safety Summits 10:04Best Practices in IONM: Real-life Lessons from the Field 10:36Refreshment Break SESSION 4: Keynote 10:50Introduction of Keynote Speaker 10:55Keynote Lecture Culture Eats Safety Programs for Lunch: Either You’re Managing Your Culture, or Your Culture is Managing You —Stephen Harden SESSION 5: Culture, Team, and Processes 11:36Minimizing Risk with Teams and Processes 11:45 Communication and Patient Safety 11:54 SRS and the Culture of Safety 12:30– 1:20 PM Lunch SESSION 6: Best Papers 1:20Paper Presentations Program subject to change. See more details about the pre-course on Page 6. The pre-course is co-sponsored and led by and taught by Stephen W. Harden, Chairman and CEO3.13.2020 + NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK 5 REGISTER: SESSION 7: Protecting Ourselves to Protect Our Patients 1:41The Promise of Power 1:50How Physician Burnout Hurts Patients SESSION 8: I Wish I Didn’t Do That—Surgeon Views on “Failed” Technology 2:23How to Incorporate New Technology Without Compromising Safety 2:28Balance Between Innovation and Regulation: The FDA Perspective SESSION 9: Where Are We Going? 2:51Where Are We Going? Device Company Perspectives on Enhancing Safety, Quality, and Value 3:22Where Are We Going? Changes in Spine Care Delivery 4:00Adjourn6SAFETY IN SPINE SURGERY SUMMIT Optional—Experiential Training Pre-Course Take the next step with this 1 / 2 day optional pre-course of experiential training sessions addressing safety issues. Come learn what the experts know after 200+ patient safety program implementations. You’ll leave equipped with proven, practical action steps for creating and implementing the three critical components of an effective spine surgery safety program. u THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2020 Warwick Hotel, New York, NY Optional—Experiential Training Pre-Course 12:00 PMRegistration & Lunch 12:30 Was It Really a Miracle? What Patient Safety Leaders Must Learn from Capt. Sully. An interactive and dynamic presentation that explores the lessons learned from Capt. Sully’s unprecedented ditching in the Hudson River. This deep dive into the “Miracle on the Hudson” will provide participants with an understanding of the three critical components of every effective patient safety program. 1:45 Break 2:00A Check Up for Your Checklists: Why Your Checklists Aren’t Really Working and What to Do About It This experiential workshop will provide the underlying methodology that powers effective checklists and equip participants with the tools to analyze their own checklists against best practices. Participants will learn exactly what revisions must be made to their current checklists and know the best strategies to implement those changes. 2:35Overcoming the Culture of Silence: Why Your Teams Won’t Speak Up for Safety and How to Change This Behavior This workshop digs deeply into the data around the failure to “stop the line” for patient safety (especially on surgical teams) and reveals why true safety is impossible without fixing this. Participants will be equipped with seven action steps crucial to creating a culture of accountability among their spine surgery teams. 3:15Break 3:30 If You Want a Safer Team, You Must Be a Better Leader: Critical Change Management Skills Every Leader Must Have This interactive session explores the connection between leadership actions and the success of patient safety initiatives. Participants will be equipped with an assessment tool to evaluate their own leadership actions and to predict the success of their safety journey in spine surgery. 4:30 Adjourn LEARN MORE & REGISTER for the pre-course at The pre-course is co-sponsored and led by LifeWings. LifeWings trains leaders to produce documented results in safety, quality, and cost reduction, with coaches consisting of physicians, nurses, pilots, astronauts, and Toyota-trained lean experts. Over 200 healthcare organizations around the world have learned to create a great workplace culture that provides safe, high-quality care at less cost with LifeWings’ TeamSTEPPS and Lean coaching (LeanSTEPPS). www.saferpatients.com3.13.2020 + NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK Meeting Location, Hotel, and Registration LOCATION The Thursday optional pre-course will be held at: The Warwick New York Hotel 65 W. 54th St. New York, NY 10019 All Friday sessions will be held at: The Heart Conference Center 173 Fort Washington Avenue New York, NY 10463 Shuttle service for participants will run between the Warwick and The Heart Conference Center on Friday morning and evening. Further details will be provided in registration confirmation materials. HOTEL Participants are invited to stay at The Warwick New York Hotel, an elegant hotel located close to Central Park in Midtown. HOTEL RESERVATIONS u ROOM RATES: $199 (plus tax) single/double occupancy u CALL: (212) 247-2700 or TOLL FREE: (800) 223-4099 and state that you are attending the “Spine Safety” meeting to receive the special room rates u ONLINE: Use the link on our website at: Book by February 11, 2020 to receive the discounted rates! Space will fill rapidly. REGISTRATION Fast, Easy, and Secure Online Registration: Register early as the limited space will fill very rapidly! PRE-COURSE REGISTRATION Includes Thursday lunch, afternoon break, and meeting materials $95 LATE REGISTRATION FEE (AFTER FEBRUARY 11) $25 MAIN COURSE REGISTRATION SURGEONS $575 FELLOWS/RESIDENTS/ALLIED HEALTH $375 HEALTHCARE ADMINISTRATION, CORPORATE PERSONNEL $675 LATE REGISTRATION FEE (AFTER FEBRUARY 11) $75 u Includes Friday breakfast, breaks, lunch, and meeting materials. QUESTIONS: Please call BroadWater at (630) 681-1040. 7 REGISTER: THE WARWICK NEW YORK HOTELSAFETY IN SPINE SURGERY SUMMIT 8 DISCLOSURE POLICY Medical Education Resources insures balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all our educational activities. In accordance with this policy, MER identifies conflicts of interest with its instructors, content managers, and other individuals who are in a position to control the content of an activity. Conflicts are resolved by MER to ensure that all scientific research referred to, reported, or used in a CME activity conforms to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection, and analysis. MER is committed to providing its learners with high-quality CME activities that promote improvements or quality in health care and not the business interest of a commercial interest. ACCREDITED PROVIDER This activity is jointly provided by Medical Education Resources, Inc., a non-profit medical education company and BroadWater, LLC. COMMERCIAL SUPPORT Various medical companies have been invited to provide support of this meeting. Full disclosure of financial and other types of support will be disclosed in the meeting syllabus materials. REFUNDS A full refund will be provided for main course registration, less a $100 administrative fee, dependent upon written notice being received by February 11. 50% refunds will be provided for pre-course registration cancellations through February 11. Refunds will not be made after this date. Substitutions are allowed at any time but must be submitted in writing to ATTENDANCE The course chairmen reserve the right to refuse admission to anyone whose presence is incompatible with course objectives. CANCELLATION OR NON-ATTENDANCE In the unlikely event of insufficient enrollment, we reserve the right to cancel the course 21 days prior. Registrants will be notified by certified mail and registration fees will be refunded. Airline and other costs incurred by the registrant are the responsibility of the registrant and will not be refunded. If registrant(s) are unable to attend the meeting due to weather delays, strikes or other reasons not directly controlled by the meeting organizers, airline, hotel and other costs incurred by the registrants will not be refunded. PHYSICIAN ACCREDITATION AND CREDIT DESIGNATION This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of Medical Education Resources (MER) and BroadWater. MER is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Medical Education Resources designates this live activity for a maximum of 9.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS AAPA accepts certificates of participation for educational activities certified for Category 1 credit from AOACCME, Prescribed Credit from AAFP and AMA PRA Category 1 Credit TM from organizations accredited by ACCME or a recognized state medical society. Physician Assistants may receive a maximum of 9.5 hours of Category 1 credit for completing this program. NURSING CREDIT Medical Education Resources is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This CE activity provides 9.5 contact hours of continuing nursing education. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 12299, for 9.5 contact hours.Next >