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Spinopelvic Fixation: Surgical Solutions for Challenging Cases | MODERATOR: Isador Lieberman, MD, MBA, FRCSC
PANEL: Sohaib Hashmi, MD; Christopher Shaffrey, MD
Spinopelvic Fixation: Emerging Considerations & Surgical Strategies | MODERATOR: David W. Polly, Jr., MD*
PANEL: Christopher J. Kleck, MD ; Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD
Advancing S2AI Fixation: Using AR Navigation to Overcome Traditional Challenges | MODERATOR: Brendan Judy, MD
PRESENTERS: John H. Shin, MD; Timothy F. Witham, MD, FAANS, FACS
PANEL: Augustus John (AJ) Rush III, MD; Richard Price III, MD, PhD
PANEL: Isador Lieberman, MD, MBA, FRCSC; Gregory M. Mundis, Jr., MD; Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD
Panel: Frank Phillips, MD; Michael Y. Wang, MD, FACS
PANEL: Shane Burch, MD; Justin Smith, MD, PhD
Use of Multi-Rod Constructs in Adult Spinal Deformity Patients Fused to the Sacrum/Pelvis | MODERATOR: Lawrence G. Lenke, MD
PANEL: Khaled Kebaish, MBBCh, MD, MS; Christopher Shaffrey, MD
Cervical Thoracic Deformity and the Choice of Osteotomies and Instrumentation | MODERATOR: Shane Burch, MD
PANEL: Vedat Deviren, MD; Alekos Theologis, MD
PANEL: Eric A. Potts, MD