Pearls of Modern Spine Surgery Banner
Dec 7, 2022
Pelvic Fixation: Why, When, How?
MODERATOR: David W. Polly, Jr., MD
PANEL: Isador Lieberman, MD, MBA, FRCSC; Gregory M. Mundis, Jr., MD; Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD
Location: Online Non-CME Event

December 7, 2022 | 8 PM EST


This case-based webinar was packed with insights for overcoming the challenges of pelvic fixation and tips for your next case.

When & Why
  • Indications for:
    • Sacral fractures after lumbosacral fusions
    • Post-SI joint fusions
    • Shorter level constructs in high-risk patients
  • Technical Tips
  • Complications: Avoidance & Management


Sponsored by SI-BONE, Inc.


Dr. Polly

David W. Polly, Jr., MD*
James W. Ogilvie Professor and Chief of Spine Surgery
Catherine Mills Davis Land Grant Endowed Chair in Biomechanics
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Professor (w) of Neurosurgery
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN


I. Lieberman, MD

Isador H. Lieberman, MD, MBA, FRCSC*
Past President Texas Back Institute
Plano, TX

G. Mundis, MD

Gregory M. Mundis, Jr., MD*
Spinal Deformity Surgery
Director San Diego Spine Fellowship
Chief Spine Section Scripps Memorial La Jolla
Scripps Clinic Division of Orthopedic Surgery
San Diego, CA

C. Shaffrey, MD

Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD*
Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Neurosurgery
Chief, Spine Division
Duke University School of Medicine
Durham, NC


*Consultant of SI-BONE, Inc.

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