Pearls of Modern Spine Surgery Banner
Jun 11, 2024
Spinopelvic Fixation: Surgical Solutions for Challenging Cases
MODERATOR: Isador Lieberman, MD, MBA, FRCSC
PANEL: Sohaib Hashmi, MD; Christopher Shaffrey, MD
Location: Online Non-CME Event

June 11, 2024 | 8 PM EST

The expert panel share insights from their experience of hundreds of sacropelvic cases, including:
  • Overcoming complications:
    • Hardware failure, pseudarthrosis, and post-op SI joint pain and degen
  • Pelvic fixation:
    • Indications and options, including long and short constructs
  • Discussion of multiple challenging cases

Sponsored by SI-BONE, Inc.



Isador Lieberman, MD, MBA, FRCSC*
Past President Texas Back Institute
Plano, TX


Dr. Hashmi

Sohaib Hashmi, MD*
Director of Spine Trauma
Assistant Clinical Professor Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery
Assistant Clinical Professor Dept. of Neurological Surgery

University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA

C. Shaffrey, MD

Christopher Shaffrey, MD*
Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
and Neurosurgery
Chief, Spine Division
Duke University

Durham, NC

*Consultant of SI-BONE, Inc.

Sponsored by SI-BONE, Inc.

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